3.1.2. Mapper Relationships

You can add relationships to a mapper inside its setRelated() method, calling one of the five available relationship-definition methods:

  • oneToOne($field, $mapperClass) (aka "has one")
  • manyToOne($field, $mapperClass) (aka "belongs to")
  • oneToMany($field, $mapperClass) (aka "has many")
  • manyToMany($field, $mapperClass, $throughField) (aka "has many through")
  • manyToOneByReference($field, $referenceCol) (aka "polymorphic association")

The $field will become a field name on the returned Record object. That field will be populated from the specified $mapperClass in Atlas. (In the case of manyToMany(), the association mappings will come from the specified $throughField.)

Here is an example:

namespace App\DataSource\Thread;

use App\DataSource\Author\AuthorMapper;
use App\DataSource\Summary\SummaryMapper;
use App\DataSource\Reply\ReplyMapper;
use App\DataSource\Tagging\TaggingMapper;
use App\DataSource\Tag\TagMapper;
use Atlas\Orm\Mapper\AbstractMapper;

class ThreadMapper extends AbstractMapper
    protected function setRelated()
        $this->manyToOne('author', AuthorMapper::CLASS);
        $this->oneToOne('summary', SummaryMapper::CLASS);
        $this->oneToMany('replies', ReplyMapper::CLASS);
        $this->oneToMany('taggings', TaggingMapper::CLASS);
        $this->manyToMany('tags', TagMapper::CLASS, 'taggings');
} Relationship Key Columns

By default, in all relationships except many-to-one, the relationship will take the primary key column(s) in the native table, and map to those same column names in the foreign table.

In the case of many-to-one, it is the reverse; that is, the relationship will take the primary key column(s) in the foreign table, and map to those same column names in the native table.

If you want to use different columns, call the on() method on the relationship. For example, if the threads table uses author_id, but the authors table uses just id, you can do this:

class ThreadMapper extends AbstractMapper
    protected function setRelated()
        $this->manyToOne('author', AuthorMapper::CLASS)
                // native (threads) column => foreign (authors) column
                'author_id' => 'id',
        // ...

And on the oneToMany side of the relationship, you use the native author table id column with the foreign threads table author_id column.

class AuthorMapper extends AbstractMapper
    protected function setRelated()
        $this->oneToMany('threads', ThreadMapper::CLASS)
                // native (author) column => foreign (threads) column
                'id' => 'author_id',
        // ...
} Composite Relationship Keys

Likewise, if a table uses a composite key, you can re-map the relationship on multiple columns. If table foo has composite primary key columns of acol and bcol, and it maps to table bar on foo_acol and foo_bcol, you would do this:

class FooMapper
    protected function setRelated()
        $this->oneToMany('bars', BarMapper::CLASS)
                // native (foo) column => foreign (bar) column
                'acol' => 'foo_acol',
                'bcol' => 'foo_bcol',
} Case-Sensitivity

Note: This applies only to string-based relationship keys. If you are using numeric relationship keys, this section does not apply.

Atlas will match records related by string keys in a case-senstive manner. If your collations on the related string key columns are not case sensitive, Atlas might not match up related records properly in memory after fetching them from the database. This is because 'foo' and 'FOO' might be equivalent in the database collation, but they are not equivalent in PHP.

In that kind of situation, you will want to tell the relationship to ignore the case of related string key columns when matching related records. You can do so with the ignoreCase() method on the relationship definition.

class FooMapper
    protected function setRelated()
        $this->oneToMany('bars', BarMapper::CLASS)

With that in place, a native value of 'foo' match to a foreign value of 'FOO' when Atlas is stitching together related records. Simple WHERE Conditions

You may find it useful to define simple WHERE conditions on the foreign side of the relationship. For example, you can handle one side of a many-to-one relationship by reference (aka "polymorphic association") by selecting only related records of a particular type.

In the following example, a comments table has a commentable_id column as the foreign key value, but is restricted to "video" values on a discriminator column named commentable_type.

class IssueMapper extends AbstractMapper
    protected function setRelated()
        $this->oneToMany('comments', CommentMapper::CLASS)
                'video_id' => 'commentable_id'
            ->where('commentable_type = ?', 'video');

(These conditions will be honored by MapperSelect::*joinWith() as well.) Relationships By Reference

The many-to-one relationship by reference is somewhat different from the other relationship types. It is identical to a many-to-one relationship, except that the relationships vary by a reference column in the native table. This allows rows in the native table to "belong to" rows in more than one foreign table. The typical example is one of comments that can be created on many different kinds of content, such as static pages, blog posts, and video links.

class CommentMapper extends AbstractMapper
    protected function setRelated()
        // The first argument is the field name on the native record;
        // the second argument is the reference column on the native table.
        $this->manyToOneByReference('commentable', 'commentable_type')

            // The first argument is the value of the commentable_type column;
            // the second is the related foreign mapper class;
            // the third is the native-to-foreign column mapping.
            ->to('page', PageMapper::CLASS, ['commentable_id' => 'page_id'])
            ->to('post', PostMapper::CLASS, ['commentable_id' => 'post_id'])
            ->to('video', VideoMapper::CLASS, ['commentable_id' => 'video_id']);

Note that there will be one query per type of reference in the native record set. That is, if a native record set (of an arbitrary number of records) refers to a total of three different relationships, then Atlas will issue three additional queries to fetch the related records.

(The phrase "relationship by reference" is used here instead of "polymorphic association" because the latter is an OOP term, not an SQL term. The former is more SQL-ish.)