3.1.9. Direct Queries

If you need to perform queries directly, additional fetch* and yield* methods are provided which expose the Extended PDO functionality. By using the $cols parameter, you can select specific columns or individual values. For example:

// an array of IDs
$threadIds = $atlas
    ->orderBy('thread_id DESC')

// key-value pairs of IDs and titles
$threadIdsAndTitles = $atlas
    ->cols(['thread_id', 'tite'])
    ->orderBy('thread_id DESC')

// etc.

See the list of ExtendedPdo::fetch*() and yield*() methods for more.

You can also call fetchRow() or fetchRows() to get Row objects directly from the Table underlying the Mapper.

Finally, in addition the various JOIN methods provided by Aura.SqlQuery, the MapperSelect also provides joinWith(), so that you can join on a defined relationship. (The related table will be aliased as the relationship name.) For example, to do an INNER JOIN with another table as defined in the Mapper relationships:

$threadIdsAndAuthorNames = $atlas
    ->joinWith('INNER', 'author')
        "CONCAT(author.first_name, ' ', author.last_name)"
    ->orderBy('thread_id DESC')
    ->fetchPairs(); Fetching Fetch Value

Returns a single value, or null.

$subject = $atlas
    ->where('thread_id = ?', '1')

// "Subject One" Fetch Column

Returns a sequential array of one column, or an empty array.

$subjects = $atlas

// [
//   0 => "Subject One",
//   1 => "Subject Two"
// ] Fetch Pairs

Returns an associative array where the key is the first column and the value is the second column, or an empty array.

$subjectAndBody = $atlas
    ->cols(['subject', 'body'])

// [
//   'Subject One' => "Body Text One",
//   'Subject Two' => "Body Text Two"
// ] Fetch One

Returns an associative array of one row, or null.

$threadData = $atlas
    ->cols(['subject', 'body', 'author_id'])
    ->where('thread_id = 1')

// [
//   'subject' => "Subject One",
//   'body' => "Body Text One",
//   'author_id' => "1"
// ] Fetch Assoc

Returns an associative array of rows keyed on the first column specified, or an empty array.

$threads = $atlas
    ->cols(['subject', 'body'])

// [
//   'Subject One' => [
//     'subject' => "Subject One",
//     'body' => "Body Text One",
//   ],
//   'Subject Two' => [
//     'subject' => "Subject Two",
//     'body' => "Body Text Two"
//   ]
// ] Fetch All

Returns a sequential array of associative arrays, or an empty array.

$threads = $atlas
    ->cols(['subject', 'body'])
    ->orderBy('thread_id DESC')

// [
//   0 => [
//     'subject' => "Subject One",
//     'body' => "Body Text One"
//   ],
//   1 => [
//     'subject' => "Subject Two",
//     'body' => "Body Text Two"
//   ]
// ] Yielding Data

If you prefer to get the results one at a time, you can use the yield* variations on these methods to iterate through the result set instead of returning an array. Yield Col

Iterate through a sequential array of one column.

$subjects = $atlas

foreach($subjects as $subject) {
    echo $subject;
} Yield Pairs

Iterate through an associative array by the first column specified.

$subjectAndBody = $atlas
    ->cols(['subject', 'body'])

foreach($subjectAndBody as $subject => $body) {
    echo $subject . ": " . $body;
} Yield Assoc

Iterate through an associative array of rows by the first column specified.

$threads = $atlas
    ->cols(['thread_id', 'subject'])

foreach($threads as $threadId => $thread) {
    echo $threadId . ": " . $thread['subject'];
} Yield All

Iterate through a sequential array of rows.

$threads = $atlas
    ->cols(['thread_id', 'subject'])

 foreach($threads as $thread) {
    echo $thread['thread_id'] . ": " . $thread['subject'];
} Complex Queries

You can use any of the direct table access methods with more complex queries and joins.

$threadData = $atlas
    ->cols(['threads.subject', 'authors.name', 's.*'])
    ->join('INNER', 'authors', 'authors.author_id = threads.author_id')
    ->join('INNER', 'summary s', 's.thread_id = threads.thread_id')
    ->where('authors.name = ?', $name)
    ->orderBy('threads.thread_id DESC')
    ->fetchAssoc(); Reusing the Select

The select object can be used for multiple queries, which may be useful for pagination. The generated select statement can also be displayed for debugging purposes.

$select = $atlas

// Fetch the current result set
$results = $select->fetchAll();

// Fetch the row count without any limit or offset
$totalCount = $select->fetchCount();

// View the generated select statement
$statement = $select->getStatement();