4.2.1. Atlas.Cli 1.x

This is the command-line interface package for Atlas. It is intended for use in your development environments, not your production ones. Installation

This package is installable and autoloadable via Composer as atlas/cli.

Add it to the require-dev section of your root-level composer.json to install the atlas-skeleton command-line tool.

    "require-dev": {
        "atlas/cli": "~1.0"
} Creating Skeleton Classes

You can create your data source classes by hand, but it's going to be tedious to do so. Instead, use the atlas-skeleton command to read the table information from the database.

Create a PHP file to return an array of connection parameters suitable for PDO:

// /path/to/conn.php
return [

You can then invoke the skeleton generator using that connection. Specify a target directory for the skeleton files, and pass the namespace name for the data source classes. You can pass an explicit table name to keep the generator from trying to guess the name.

./vendor/bin/atlas-skeleton.php \
    --conn=/path/to/conn.php \
    --dir=src/App/DataSource \
    --table=threads \

N.b.: The backslashes (\) at the end of the lines are to allow the command to be split across multiple lines in Unix. If you are on Windows, omit the trailing backslashes and enter the command on a single line.

That will create this directory and two classes in src/App/DataSource/:

└── Thread
    ├── ThreadMapper.php
    └── ThreadTable.php

The Mapper class will be empty, and the Table class will a description of the specified --table. Note that you should not make changes to the table class, as they will be overwritten if you regenerate the skeleton.

Do that once for each SQL table in your database.

If you pass --full to atlas-skeleton, it will additionally generate empty MapperEvents, Record, RecordSet, and TableEvents classes. (These are useful only if you want to add custom behaviors, and will not be overwritten if you regenerate the skeleton.)

The --full option will also add a Fields class with @property annotations for table columns on the Record. This file will be overwritten if the table class is regenerated, as it is defined from the table columns (which may have changed since the last skeleton generation).